In Vogue Book Giveaway - the Winners

    Congratulations to the winners (-you know who you are). Winners will all receive a copy of In Vogue: The Illustrated History of the World's Most Famous Fashion Magazine!

    A few of our favourite quotes:

    I love Vogue because it's continuously given me new ideas, new inspiration, new fashion fantasies. Vogue is a constant resource for new ideas for me."

    "whenever I need ideas I pick up an old Vogue from my shelf....the interesting colors and shapes and mish-mashes that Vogue puts together get me fired up and excited"

    "Vogue is also reflective of our times and world issues. It was in Vogue years ago that I read about the French Muslim girl who shaved her head because she was not allowed to wear her hijab."

    "One of my favorite fashion photos was in the September 2004 Vogue issue where two models, clad in fur, cupcakes in tow are shot waking out of Magnolia Bakery. What I particularly liked about this photo is Vogue’s ability to capture glamour yet present some ironies; models eating cupcakes? wearing fur in environmentally conscious times? "

    "The sheer allure and fantastical world of fashion that Vogue brings to me is unparalleled by many standards. Vogue is to me, a window into fantasies of beauty; a reason to be snobbishly proud of my love for fashion and the arts."

    "bold FASHION yet veiled statements all the while visually encapsulating" Source URL:
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