Not everyone is blessed with easy relationships. Some have loved ones who are dealing with various struggles such as addiction, mental illness, incarceration or anger. Holidays can be difficult times for some when searching for cards. The sentiments don't always mirror the situation. Sometimes loved ones are separated by distance or just hurt feelings or anger. For the parents of estranged adult children, know that you are not alone. Chances are, many families have or know someone who is experiencing similar circumstances.
When words that have been spoken in anger cause separation, don't despair. Remember the special times you shared with your child. Continue to speak words of love, even if they are not returned. Keep the door of communication open and available. One thing you might try is to start a collage. Gather photos or special items from the past that display when loving times were shared.
If you have access to current items, such as newspaper clippings, programs, etc. add them to the collection. Put in words of hopes and dreams for your child. Decorate it or get help from a friend who is crafty. Keep your home alive with the presence of your loved one. One day, when the time is right, give this special item to your child so they know that they've been close to your heart all along.
When you are in need of support, enlist the listening ear of a friend or group if needed. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic. By the way, when I write these sentiments in various articles, I'm not speaking from a counseling viewpoint, I'm speaking from life experience. You are not alone. For mothers of adult children, know that you did your best raising them, whatever the circumstance. Our God is a god of love. He has given you a mother's heart. You love and you are loved. Happy Valentine's Day...
Source URL: unknowable journey for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection