So you've partied the night away, drank alot and danced till the teeny, dimly lit hours of the morning. You looked fabulous last night and will have the Facebook pics to prove it but have woken up after a deep sleep with eye bags so big they belong in balenciaga, makeup and kebab sauce smeared across your face and bruises from climbing over your friends garden fence or sliding down the stairs on the way to the ladies room. We've all done it =) and for this reason, here are a few quick-fire fool-proof tips and tricks to make sure you are looking glam and fresh the next day after a good night out.
Shower. Make sure to remove all your makeup from the night before as soon as possible (assuming you haven't already done that. If you have, well done!) One quick way to do it effectively if you do not own makeup remover is to take Johnsons Baby Lotion and pour about a palm sized amout on to your hand. Rub your hands together and apply it to your face. DO NOT rub it in as this will just make a big mess!! Then wait about 30 to 60 seconds to allow the lotion to lift your makeup. Then, take a few cotton balls or pads (three or four should do it) and sweep it over your face to remove the baby lotion. This should effectively lift all your makeup, even waterproof eye makeup, and leave your face ready for cleansing with a mild cleanser or scrub. I recommend using a scrub cleanser if you slept in makeup from the previous night.
We are made up of 70% water. So, evidently it is very important to replace the hydration we lost dancing up a sweat to Toxic and Boom-Boom Pow. Alchohol also dehydrates us so rehydration is especially important if you were drinking all night. After you have washed the last of the glitter and silly string out of your hair and cleared last nights makeup off completely, grab yourself a big bottle of water (we love Evian) and drink it in abundance throughout the day. Evian's Facial Spray is fantastic at giving your skin a quick moisture boost so for quick intense moisture resotoratoin we recommend spraying your (dry) face with Evian's Facial Spray and leaving it to settle for 30 seconds then lightly dabbing off the excess with a (clean) towel or flannel .Then take a generous amount of facial moisturiser - we like Garnier Pure Anti-Blemish Moisturiser - and apply to face and neck, leaving it to absorb into the face for 5 minutes before applying any makeup. Cucumber slices are optional and work wonders for refreshing tired, dry eyes however, if you're out of cucumbers, Garnier's Nutritionist Caffeine Eye Roll-On is fabulous!
Now for the real hard work =) depending on your skin tone and how wild you get after a few sambucas there is no doubt that there will be a few red spots or blotches, dark circles or bruising to conceal thus calling not only for the help of a good concealer but also colour correction concealer also. For best results it is important to remember these rules: Green neutralises red so you'll need that for spots and red blotches. Yellow neutralises blue so it will sort your bruises or blue tinged under eye circles. Lavender neutralises yellow so it can be used for any healing bruises and irregularities in skin tone. Lavender can also help with very dark under eye circles. Orange/Beige helps with under eye dark circles too. To cover up all complexion imperfections, apply a moderate amout of the appropriate colour corrector to individual flaws with a flat concealer brush.Then blend with a finishing or stippler brush to blend out the edges. Layer your skin tone concealer over the colour corrector using the same method and et viola! a flawless complexion.
If you plan on going out and about after a heavy night on the tiles, after completing the three-step recovery plan we suggest going for a bright,wide-eyed makeup look and keeping hair swept away from your face into a high pony tail or bun for an effortlessly glam look you can wear for day and night.

Source URL: are made up of 70% water. So, evidently it is very important to replace the hydration we lost dancing up a sweat to Toxic and Boom-Boom Pow. Alchohol also dehydrates us so rehydration is especially important if you were drinking all night. After you have washed the last of the glitter and silly string out of your hair and cleared last nights makeup off completely, grab yourself a big bottle of water (we love Evian) and drink it in abundance throughout the day. Evian's Facial Spray is fantastic at giving your skin a quick moisture boost so for quick intense moisture resotoratoin we recommend spraying your (dry) face with Evian's Facial Spray and leaving it to settle for 30 seconds then lightly dabbing off the excess with a (clean) towel or flannel .Then take a generous amount of facial moisturiser - we like Garnier Pure Anti-Blemish Moisturiser - and apply to face and neck, leaving it to absorb into the face for 5 minutes before applying any makeup. Cucumber slices are optional and work wonders for refreshing tired, dry eyes however, if you're out of cucumbers, Garnier's Nutritionist Caffeine Eye Roll-On is fabulous!
Now for the real hard work =) depending on your skin tone and how wild you get after a few sambucas there is no doubt that there will be a few red spots or blotches, dark circles or bruising to conceal thus calling not only for the help of a good concealer but also colour correction concealer also. For best results it is important to remember these rules: Green neutralises red so you'll need that for spots and red blotches. Yellow neutralises blue so it will sort your bruises or blue tinged under eye circles. Lavender neutralises yellow so it can be used for any healing bruises and irregularities in skin tone. Lavender can also help with very dark under eye circles. Orange/Beige helps with under eye dark circles too. To cover up all complexion imperfections, apply a moderate amout of the appropriate colour corrector to individual flaws with a flat concealer brush.Then blend with a finishing or stippler brush to blend out the edges. Layer your skin tone concealer over the colour corrector using the same method and et viola! a flawless complexion.
If you plan on going out and about after a heavy night on the tiles, after completing the three-step recovery plan we suggest going for a bright,wide-eyed makeup look and keeping hair swept away from your face into a high pony tail or bun for an effortlessly glam look you can wear for day and night.
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