Back in the day, before makeup for the masses was as highly versatile, varied and developed as it is today, colours were limited and catered to few in terms of skin tones and different races. While paler girls were able to find an array of gorgeous colours and makeup shades to suit their skin tones brown skinned girls were left with little to no shades that suited them. Fast forward to 2011 and that is no longer a problem. The makeup giants now have literally hundreds of different shades of brown, tan, sand, caramel and many more to suit every and every shade available. And if one company doesn't do your particular shade there are at least three or four more that stock it in abundance guaranteed. The late 80's and early 90's saw the uprising of cosmetic companies like IMAN and Sleek that were tailored to suit darker skin tones and opened up an adventure of colour, elegance and vibrancy to darker skinned beauties of all backgrounds from asia to africa and back again.
Are you in need of a warm ,neutral or cool tone foundation? Are you aware of how to make the best of your tone using complimenting colours? Just because your skin is brown it doesn't automatically make you a warm tone. Pay attention to the undertones of your skin, are they yellow? red? Not sure? One way to figure out whether you are cool or warm is to imagine your skin as tracing paper once you look past the main hue try to see the colours that are present underneath. If you still can't figure it out ask a retail artist to help you. (I highly suggest visiting a MAC or Bobbi Brown concession or store as their makeup artists will certainly be able to show you how to know your undertones.) This is important because it helps you to know which shades of colour will compliment your skin - though this rule applies generally for all skin tones and colours it is especially important for darker skinned ladies as picking the wrong shade of eyeshadow or lipstick for your tone can be especially disastrous as you already have a strong presence of tone. You want the colours you wear to accentuate and compliment your wonderful dark skin not clash with it.
One of the biggest advantages of dark skin is its natural glow. You should always aim to make the most of this as it will allow you to add depth and warmth to your skin. Highlighting your cheekbones, brow and the bridge of your nose will create gorgeous angles and help frame your face and enhance your complexion wonderfully. MAC's Iridescent Loose Powder in Golden Bronze is a gorgeous multi-use powder that can be mixed into cream or foundations to create an amazing iridescent effect without being to brassy.It can also be used (sparingly) on its own to further enhance your facial bone structure.
Here are some gorgeous inspirational looks for dark skin - tutorial after the jump =)
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