Best Costume Design

    Eiffel Tower Hits the Big Screen

    OK, I'm probably the only 43-year old woman who has not watched one episode of Sex and the City. That being said, I will probably watch the movie on DVD just because this headline says the CLOTHES make the movie. As I read on, it turns out that there is a particular purse made by designer Timmy Woods which is starring in the can see Sarah Jessica Parker holding it in this picture. It's an Eiffel Tower purse made from wood and covered in swarovski crystals. Well, I was so excited when I saw it! If you remember from this post, I too was inspired by the Eiffel Tower and made up my own design. Of course, Timmy Woods is much smarter since his purse is selling for $3,000...

    I thought it was interesting that both were covered in swarovski crystals. It doesn't show up so much in this picture but it really sparkles in person.

    It turns out that I have a thing for eye candy in movies. In fact, my favorite part of the Academy Awards is when we get to see all of the nominees for Best Costume Design. In 2007, Marie Antoinette won that award so when the movie came out on DVD, I bought it right away.

    I love to watch it on a big screen just so I can see a close up of all the silks, feathers, velvets and trims. It is a delight for the senses...My husband laughs since most people watch movies on the big screen for the action shots. Not me. It's all about passementerie, pastries and pumps.

    The story itself is good but not great; but the cinematography is outstanding!
    Even though I have a thing for all of these beautifully coiffed dresses and accessories, I rarely wear dresses myself or put my feet into fancy shoes. No, I'm into yoga and I'm athletic so most of the time I'm in very sensible shoes but I LOVE the thought of all that fancy stuff.

    I think it translates beautifully into needlework and needlework design. I can't wait to stitch my "Marie Antoinette" crazy quilt block. Dare I dream, maybe it will be a whole Marie Antoinette crazy quilt! Unfortunately, there are a few other projects in line before it. In my dreams, it's fabulous! I was so excited about the wonderful "pictures" in this movie, that I bought Sofia Coppola's book from Amazon so I can carry it around with me. The book was a bit disappointing since the pictures were small so I cannot recommend it without reservation.

    I haven't yet watched Memoirs of a Geisha for it's eye candy but I've heard from Japanese-culture aficionados that the costumes in 1980's Shogun were much better. I guess I'll have to watch and see.

    Oh, and before I leave...check out the big flower on this dress...can't you think of a million ways to use that in your work? Fabulous!

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